One visit to urgent care…
...two hours with acupuncturist, three sets of x-rays, a whole bunch of tape, handfuls of anti-inflamatories, several lost days (and counting)...... thanks to one litte teeny weenie itsy bitsy millisecond…
...two hours with acupuncturist, three sets of x-rays, a whole bunch of tape, handfuls of anti-inflamatories, several lost days (and counting)...... thanks to one litte teeny weenie itsy bitsy millisecond…
While Kathy was out trying to kill herself on a mountain bike trail, I was out trying to kill myself on my second 90-mile ride in a week. Unlike hers,…
I took this weekend off from serious riding to go up to the Gold Country with my husband Roger to visit a group of my college friends. Tom, Brian, Nancy…
We've been forced to ride separately for a couple of weeks and I think it's starting to fray our collective nerves. Scott's been riding his solo bike (a new Ibis…
So yes, I did have a 400-mile week. Well, to be more precise, it was 390 miles in seven rides over eight days. The AIDS/LifeCycle is 545 miles over seven…
I went on a long-ish ride this morning: 50 miles out to Esparto and back. I started out with a Davis Bike Club weekly ride, but wasn't able to convince…