Day 7
License plate for the tandem . . . which arrived too late

Day 7

Day 7. Woke up to water in the air and wet streets. I called it “rain.” Scott called it ”marine layer.” Whatever it was, it was wet and cold. Not…

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Day 5
Kathy in her red dress outfit, complete with tiger print vest

Day 5

Day 5! Red dress day. A fun day with some deceptively nasty climbing thrown in just to keep us honest. I was my usual adorable self — goth red riding…

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Day 4
Scott agreed, under duress, to pose for a picture. I refused to move closer to anything more picturesque. But, damn it, we’re getting there.

Day 4

Day 4. Done. And unclear who was the winner in the cage fight. The day threw everything it could at us: inland heat, damp cold coastal fog, long grueling hills…

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Day 0
Our Explorer decked out for the ride

Day 0

Cow Palace registration Day 0 of AIDS/LifeCycle is finally here! I’ve been clenched up with preride jitters for a few days but woke up at 5 feeling like me again…

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