Looking forward to Day 1
Well, I'm sure all you faithful readers will be relieved to hear that Scott and I have mended our fences, patched our differences, licked our (own) wounds, and generally are…
Well, I'm sure all you faithful readers will be relieved to hear that Scott and I have mended our fences, patched our differences, licked our (own) wounds, and generally are…
Scott's right to be pissed off. I did promise him I would engage in nothing extra-curricular in these last critical weeks, and then I went into a theatre to help…
...two hours with acupuncturist, three sets of x-rays, a whole bunch of tape, handfuls of anti-inflamatories, several lost days (and counting)...... thanks to one litte teeny weenie itsy bitsy millisecond…
As Scott mentioned in one of his posts, I lost a few weeks due to a tooth abscess and subsequent extraction, an issue that's been interrupting my life since January.…
The day after I completed my first AIDS/Lifecycle ride in 2016, I woke up in my own bed, stretched and basked in the afterglow of being done with the ride,…
I took this weekend off from serious riding to go up to the Gold Country with my husband Roger to visit a group of my college friends. Tom, Brian, Nancy…
We've been forced to ride separately for a couple of weeks and I think it's starting to fray our collective nerves. Scott's been riding his solo bike (a new Ibis…
To state the obvious: everyone is different. But if you ever want to know how different you are from someone else, try riding a tandem with them for awhile. Now,…
Scott's description of our first day (in this blog post) is exactly what was happening... on the outside. For me, the challenge was mostly internal, at least in the days…
Hi. This is Kathy. We decided to introduce each other because... well, for a number of reasons. Here's some things you need to know about Scott, and me, but mostly…