Day 5

Red dress day
Kathy in her red dress outfit, complete with tiger print vest

Day 5! Red dress day. A fun day with some deceptively nasty climbing thrown in just to keep us honest. I was my usual adorable self — goth red riding hood — and Scott Alumbaugh defied all expectations and rocked both a flairy tutu AND a Hawaiian shirt. At one point as we started climbing the middle hill I just started laughing. If our past selves could see us now. They would just plotz.

Roger Nolan had a new getup this year — Red Ruffin’ Sore, the strolling cat cowboy minstrel. It was great!! And impossible to describe, so I’ll add the picture when I get it from whomever took it.

The bike riding went fine despite the aggregating butt and leg pain. There was one hill that nearly killed me, as always, but I prevailed. As always.

Scott flashing some leg and an actually genuine smile. Go Scott!
Scott flashing some leg and an actually genuine smile. Go Scott!

Long afternoon at the hotel, with some delicious downtime. I wandered over to the pool and hung out with some sweep roadies (the ladies who drive the Honey Bee sweep vehicle that picks up riders who either have a mechanical problem, or just need a boost, to take them to the next rest stop). Fun storytelling about rides from years gone by. Reminded me so much of touring with Opera A La Carte and just hanging out swapping yarns.

So many good people on this event. So much love. As a fellow rider said yesterday, this feels like home, like a place where you can really be yourself. Then we both started crying those great end of long day tears that feel sooo marvelous.

Rest stop 2
Two of my riding buds, Dorothee Kruegermann and Julia Welter ran into us at Rest Stop 2 today. Don’t forget to be distracted to Mr Beefcake behind us,

Tomorrow is another long ass day: 90 miles, but beautiful. I think I’ve been able to make every Day 6 I’ve attempted, so I’m not too worried. My back is still wretchedly painful (off the bike) and I’m really REALLY looking forward to getting it recuperated when I get home.

(Of course, all the good pix of me are on other peoples’ phones so I’ll add them later. )

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  1. Aeoh

    These posts are just getting better and better! I love the visuals!