Day 1! Up at 2, at Cow Palace by 5:30, gear trucks, bike configurating, breakfast, opening ceremonies, then BAM. Doors open, wind and fog whipping about outside in a way that looks more like rain than fog. WTF? We’d already seen this movie, two years ago. Luckily the sequel was not quite as dramatic. STILL — wet roads, wet jerseys, spotty glasses all the way to Pacifica and then some. Not the downpour of 2022, but uncomfortable and not a great addition to the jittery chaos that always accompanies all of us riders hitting the city streets at once.

But Scott was masterful, I have to say. Actually, WE were masterful as a team. We got on the damn bike in midst of all that craziness and we started to pedal. And we stayed up. And we made it all the way to Santa Cruz. And it really was kind of a beautiful thing.
We skipped the first two crowded rest stops. Motivated by terror and cold we just kept pedaling to half moon bay, where we stopped at a place (somewhat oddly called Granola’s Coffee House) that served up the best fucking scones I’ve ever had. Holy moly. Light, fresh from the oven, with a cup of oatmilk hot chocolate? Perfection. (So that’s why we ride, I thought. So we can FULLY appreciate things like this)
Anyway, we didn’t speed but we didn’t stop too much either. We got to lunch at the 42 mile mark at 10:08!!! AM!!! These were people I’d never seen before, the people at the Front Of The Pack. WTAF? Who ARE these guys? The lunch stop was as empty when we got there as it usually is when I get there .. except today it was because we were FIRST. So fucking weird. Like landing on the moon. But there we were: Dead Fucking First. Go figure.

Scott and I know each other from college days at UCSC. Riding past the city limit sign was a homecoming, a closing of a circle neither of us could have possibly imagined 40 some years ago when he was the aloof angsty pal of my gregarious boyfriend. That we would be riding a bike (a tandem for gods sake!) at the start of a 500+ mile bike ride? In our fucking 60s? And still even friends? The Metaverse hadn’t been invented yet but this would’ve been the stuff of that. Unthinkable. Absurd.
It was a triumphant return to our shared roots. We got to camp at 2:15 — a full three hours earlier than my usual time. Also unthinkable and absurd.
And what did I do with all that extra time? Went straight to sports med to see if they could pacify my extraordinarily angry sacroiliac joint. Despite all my chiro and PT and acupuncture and massage the last few weeks leading up to this ride, biking still inflames my lower back to the point of making it extraordinarily painful to walk. Paradoxically, it feels fine when im pedaling. So yay! This is the week I spend most of my time pedaling, but obviously I have to walk. So… Sara in Sports Med is my new best friend. In that regard, just like every other ALC ever!
Great recap. Your pain was believable. First in. Reminds me of the time I chased a tandem downhill. Chased!