As Scott mentioned in one of his posts, I lost a few weeks due to a tooth abscess and subsequent extraction, an issue that’s been interrupting my life since January. I desperately tried to keep the tooth, lost that fight, and then the underlying infection held on with tenacious evil little claws. Meanwhile, Scott’s been riding a billion miles a week, tapping his fingers nervously as the calendar leaves fly, while I sat down in LA feeling myself withering away.
And then… finally… it resolved. On the eve of the Paul Hulse Century (that was regrettably, and mercifully, called off because of rain) I finally felt better. The questions on our minds were — was the getting better actually real? And, if so, how long would it take to get back up to speed? Good questions. Calendar pages and all that.
Remember how I said Scott likes to shift up only when the cadence is nice and comfortable, and after there’s minimal stress and effort involved? And remember how I said, yeah, I tend to push earlier than usuual, and stronger than needed, and then my energy tanks and I just kind of slide into oblivion…
Well, that metaphor translates. Once I was feeling not totally in pain, I was all like, OK, let’s do it! And I suggested a fibonacci-esque sequence of daily rides — 5 miles, 10, 15, 25, 40, 65, 100. With the 100 mile mark hitting approximately in one week, starting from basically scratch.

Scott, in that way he has, gently told me (subtextually) that I was ridiculously overestimating my physical state and suggested (textually) that we take it one day at a time.
So I’m like sure. One day at a time. Whatever, pal.
So, we did a 6, then 11, and then it rained so we lost a day. But I was still feeling OK and the day off was good.
Then we did a 23, then a 47.5, and then we drove up to Davis (another day off). Still feeling good.
Then we cranked up and did a flat 66 this last Thursday (which was tough, but in all the usual ways instead of tanking my carefully scraped together well being), and then 35 with hills yesterday (with a great group of other ALC riders and it was fun and lovely).

Today is a rest day (now I’m drumming my fingers on the desk, waiting to get out there again), and then tomorrow we’ll drive down to San Francisco and do 73 with hills in Marin.
I’m excited! It looks like I’m getting my mojo back. My efforts on the back end of the bike seems to be helping, and my sit bones are gradually giving in to the new reality. I’m hoping Scott is a little less nervous about our ability to do ALC. More importantly, I hope we can continue this groove and keep building on it, without further setbacks on any front.
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