Solo Rides

Kathy’s version of our training

We’ve been forced to ride separately for a couple of weeks and I think it’s starting to fray our collective nerves. Scott’s been riding his solo bike (a new Ibis Hakka gravel bike) up around Davis, and I’ve been riding my own bike (a couple-year-old Ibis Hakka gravel bike) down here in Southern California.

Scott frequently muses about the odd phenomenon where you’re riding like a beast, pushing your own bounderies, feeling really great about your abilities… only to have some aero cyclocross guy come SCREAMING past you, barely breaking a sweat and just leaving you dazed in his wake. And that will always happen, especially when you’re feeling really cocky.

So this week, I rode 88 miles, which is about 50 more than a usual good week, especially this early in the training season. I’ve been riding strong and I’ve been feeling really good about myself. My goal for this month is about 50 miles a week, 75 miles a week for April, and 100 or more per week going into May. I’m adding hills and I’m feeling myself really sink into the training.

Meanwhile, this week, Scott rode almost 400 miles, up in Davis. Amazing! Incredible! But this is how he trains.

I think this will all get sorted out once we’re back on the same bike. At least, if he wants to ride 400 miles, I’ll get to be there in person to enjoy it.

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